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Durban is the place to be this summer holiday season. This was the message that reverberated throughout the launch of the Durban tourism summer campaign. The launch took place at the Coastal Beach Resort that overlooks Umgababa Beach on the 11th  of September.

City leadership and local councillors at the ‘‘Endless waves of tranquility’ campaign launch

EThekwini Mayor Councillor Cyril Xaba unveiled the City’s bumper summer campaign dubbed ‘Endless waves of tranquility’ to position Durban as a destination of choice.

The campaign seeks to ensure that Durban remains top of mind of tourists while the theme calls on everyone to intensify campaigns to showcase Durban’s hidden gems to both domestic and international visitors.

Mayor Xaba said no effort must be spared to promote the City’s attractions including township and rural tourism products, parks, walking trails, game reserves ,and the rich cultural heritage that makes the City a melting pot of culture.

Guests, including members of the media, tourism stakeholders and influencers were treated to activities such as boat rides on the Inanda Dam, helicopter rides, and quad biking.  

“Last week, we showcased another township tourism gem, the Coastal Beach Resort located on the serene shores of Umgababa where you can enjoy beach horse riding and other activities. Our efforts of rebuilding the tourism sector after the floods are paying off and has contributed immensely to the increase of visitors to Durban,” said Mayor Kaunda.

Coast Lounge @ Umgababa Beach

During the launch, Durban Tourism unpacked festive season plans including holiday packages and safety measures that will be implemented during the summer. Tourists are encouraged to start booking their summer holidays in Durban as projections indicate over 1.3 million visitors are expected to flock to Durban during the 2024/25 summer season.

Mayor Xaba said there is an estimated occupancy rate of more than 65 percent.

“Projections indicate a direct spend of around R2.5 million contributing approximately R6.3 million to the GDP, while creating about 11 423 employment opportunities. Tourism is one sector which has a multiplier effect on the economy,” he said.

He said it was important to support the tourism sector as it was a major contributor to job creations. He cited the Coastal Beach Resort in Umgababa as an example, saying the establishment started in 2015 as a Shisanyama and by 2021 it had developed into a fully-fledged resort offering 25 accommodation rooms, a restaurant, lounge, pool and was an events venue.

“This is why the City will continue to support employment creation in the tourism sector. Rural and township development also remains an important element for the City,” he added.

Diving display during the launch

The City’s diverse culinary scene is also a drawcard for tourists looking for affordable, quality cuisine.

“When people decide to visit a country or city, they want to immerse themselves in the culture of that area and food is an integral part of cultural identity and Durban offers exactly that,” Mayor Xaba added.

He said Durban is open for business and is ready to deliver a safe and memorable summer holiday season. Mayor Xaba reassured visitors and residents that safety measures are in place to guarantee the safety of all, highlighting the progress of smart policing and how it will use technology to proactively prevent crime.

Destination promotion activations that Durban Tourism will be embarking on were also unpacked during the launch. This includes route development discussions for Zambia and Zimbabwe taking place from 12 to 16 September, an international tourism trade show in Europe from 16 to 20 September, and market roadshows taking place across Gauteng from 19 to 22 September.

During the launch, attendees experienced some of the activities offered at the resort such as horse riding along the beach. Nearby tourism offerings such as shark diving, Splash Waterworld, deep sea fishing, and African Watersports Aliwal were also highlighted.

The upcoming Blue Economy Week activation was also held on the day. Blue Economy Week, from 24 to 28 September, aims to showcase coastal and ocean resources and activities and promote economic growth through innovation and sustainable practices particularly with coastal tourism and related  sectors.