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Wushwini Pan African Centers’ 10th year Uhuru International Community Festival

Wushwini Pan African Centers’ 10th year Uhuru International Community Festival

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10th Uhuru International Community Festival

Wushwini Pan African Center is staging the 10th year Uhuru International Community Festival from Thursday the 26th to Sunday the 29th of May 2022.

 Uhuru is a 4 day excitement packed experience, with Comedy and Poetry, a Gospel Extravaganza & Prayer Concert, Jazz Music and a Live Music Concert.

The festival will be a truly cultural and rural tourism experience. It will cater for families within the Festival, we have children productions, jumping castles, face painting, and clowns for entertainment, also craft and food stalls selling all kinds of delicacies prepared around African homes.

For information and bookings contact: 063 068 0899

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