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THE City is ready to welcome visitors following a successful ‘Re-Ignite Durban’ programme held on the 23 September at Moses Mabhida stadium. The event saw about 16 iconic buildings, attractions and products lit up simultaneously as an expression of the tourism sector readiness.


On the 24th of September the Municipality launched its North Beach Tourism Information office which will provide personalised service, brochures, maps and WiFi access to tourists. Within the office, there is a newly established Durban Souvenir Shop trading locally produced products supplied by about 11 SMMEs that promotes the City’s heritage.

Leading both days’ activities was Deputy Mayor of eThekwini, Councillor Belinda Scott who said: “The lighting up of the buildings was an initiative to set the tone and send a message that the local tourism sector is ready to be a host again for business and leisure following a difficult lockdown period.”

Scott said we are reminding locals and visitors to re-discover South Africa’s warmest place to be following the easing of lockdown travel regulations as the country is now on level one.“Re-Ignite Durban programme officially set the tone of the industry’s road to recovery and it is one of our efforts to boost the sector by promoting the sectors state of readiness. Uplifting the tourism sector is an integral part of eThekwini’s economic recovery plan because the more tourists that descends on the City means more business, which will result to economy boost and job opportunities.”

Moses Mabhida Stadium, uShaka Marine World, City Hall, Sugar Ray Xulu Stadium, Inkosi Albert Luthuli International Convention Centre, Elangeni Hotel, Umhlanga Pier, Hilton Hotel, The Cube, Oyster Box, OHlange and Beverly Hills are among the landmarks that were lit up in a magnificent display of colour last night to celebrate the move to level one as well as to usher in the summer season.


In addition, the newly installed social media photo frames along the new Beachfront promenade were also unveiled today. This will allow tourists and public a platform to take pictures that will capture their memorable stay in Durban and of course upload them on social media so that the City continues trending as the warmest place to be in terms of hospitality and hosting capabilities.


Furthermore, the North Beach Tourism Information office will also provide Ricksha Bus sightseeing tours to tourists which is an introductory and easily accessible means of seeing many of Durban’s major attractions in a short space of time. This is aimed at giving visitors more reason to comeback to explore other City’s hidden gems and also spread the word about the beauty of eThekwini to others.


Visit www.visitdurban.travel to re-discover Durban or follow us on Facebook/Durban Tourism or Twitter and Instagram @dbntourism

Issued by the eThekwini Municipality’s Acting Head of Communication Mandla Nsele. For media enquiries contact Municipality’s Spokesperson Msawakhe Mayisela on 060 966 4220.