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The City of Durban wishes to encourage businesses and the general public in the tourism and hospitality sector, to enter businesses for the inaugural Durban Tourism awards, scheduled to take place in May 2022.  

The awards are aimed at recognizing the businesses who have shown resilience whilst encouraging others to constantly explore innovative ways in     which they can adapt to the dynamic conditions that influence our industry globally.  

Mayor, Cllr Mxolisi Kaunda said the tourism and hospitality sector is among the key priority areas that the City will be focusing on in their endeavor to revive the economy.

“The Tourism and hospitality sector is among those that were the hardest hit by the pandemic yet it is one of the key economic development drivers for the City. We have therefore decided to go on an aggressive marketing drive to revive the sector and help businesses to adapt in the new normal.  The purpose of these awards therefore is to encourage them to continue to thrive and take up their rightful place as one of the leading economic drivers. We encourage businesses to enter the awards and the general public to nominate business that they think were innovative enough to adapt to these new conditions,” explained Kaunda.

Entry forms will be available across all Durban Tourism online and digital platforms @DBNTourism or go to www.durbantourismawards.com

Entries are now open for establishments in the following categories;

  1. Focus Area: Upcoming Film-Makers Award
  • It recognizes upcoming, outstanding, unique, impactful people and organisations that have produced, script written and directed films in the past 5 years that have showcased Durban in their film as the destination of choice.
  1. Focus Area: Service Excellence
  • The Accommodation Awards are based on the TGCSA definition of accommodation establishments. Accommodation awards includes Backpacker, Bed & Breakfast, Caravan & Camping, Country House, Guest House, Hotel, Lodge, Self-catering: Exclusive Use, Self Catering that are members of CTO’s within Durban.
  • MESE Awards will include Meetings, Exhibitions, and Special Events venues.
  • Visitor Experiences Awards will include Scenic Beauty, Roots and Culture, Adventure and Activities, Wildlife, Lifestyle, Beach Experience and Lap of Luxury.
  • Tourist Guides Awards will include Nature Guides, Adventure Guides and Culture Guides.
  • Tour Operators Awards – includes Emerging and Established.

Please note public nominations link will be sent through on the www.durbantourismawards.com website to vote for the best product experience in each category for the Focus Area: Service Excellence

  1. Focus Area: Sustainable Development
  • Universal Accessibility Awards are based on the Tourism Grading Council of South Africa (TGCSA) definition of Universal Accessibility (Hearing, Mobility, Visual and General).
  • Green Tourism Awards are based on products that have adhered to the impact of climate change and have placed emphasis on the environmental impact and green sustainable solutions in their businesses.
  1. Focus Area : Entrepreneurship
  • (Emerging Tourism Entrepreneur of the Year Award) recognizes black owned SMMEs who have achieved notable success since starting up.
  1. Special Achievement Award – The Mayor’s Choice
  • This award will focus on 3 categories
  • The product attracts visitors to the City. (increase in economic spend and Contribution to the City’s GDP
  • Creating more jobs
  • Internationally claimed
  • This award will not be contested but it will be a prestigious award to recognizing a tourism product that has stood the test of time. This will look at:
  • Consistent Business Retention and Business Expansion
  • Business Model and brand Sustainability
  • Remaining Competitive in its offering
  • The extent of the radical economic transformation role played by the business.
  • The extent of business resilience under the Covid-19 circumstances.
  • The legacy mark by that tourism product/ business.


  1. 25TH February 2022: Closing dates to entries to the Awards by Tourism Business
  2. 7thMarch till the 11th March 2022, the public voting link will be set up on the website for a week public voting – intra-provincial, provincial, regional, international to vote. only for the public excellence category
  3. Judges will then start the judging process on the 22nd March  (first screening)
  4. Second screening – physical checks of the top 7 in each category and each focus group – 28th– 31st March 2022
  5. Final judging process will then occur – listing the finalist and 4 runner up in each focus group in each category by 8thApril 2022.